Our core mission is to create a supportive ecosystem where women CEOs can amplify their leadership capabilities, share best practices, and collectively navigate the nuances of leadership.

We envision a future where women in CEO positions are not the exception but the norm, and where they continuously uplift each other to redefine the standards of leadership across the globe.


This forum is tailored for dynamic women holding or aspiring to CEO positions, who seek a platform that resonates with their experiences, challenges, and ambitions in the business and corporate landscape.

Members benefit from unparalleled networking opportunities, mentorship from seasoned leaders, access to resources tailored for women at the pinnacle of their professions, and forums to discuss and navigate unique challenges faced by women in leadership roles.

About :

The CEO Women Forum is a platform specially curated to bolster the aspirations and accomplishments of women entrepreneurs globally. It is a distinguished gathering of female leaders from the business and corporate world, designed to foster collaboration, share insights, and empower its members to achieve even greater heights.

The corporate world is a challenging arena, more so for women who often have to navigate systemic and societal biases on their way to the top. The narrative, however, is steadily changing. A crucial catalyst in this shift has been the mentorship provided by established women CEOs to their younger counterparts. Here’s a deep dive into the significance of such mentoring relationships and the profound impact they have on the next generation of female leaders.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As a valued member of the Club, you have exclusive access to this web page and its rich content. It's important to note that the information presented here is not intended to serve as consulting, financial, risk, or legal advice. You are encouraged to seek professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

About :

Welcome to Boardroom Talk!

We are pleased to welcome you to Boardroom Talks. This is were we share and talk about a carefully curated go-to knowledge base designed to equip you with all the essentials needed to effectively build the company you envision, following the MOC methodology. Our support and content are specifically tailored for CEOs and companies in which the Club members takes an interest.

Recognising the critical role of governance in organisational success, the board assumes a central position in steering the SPV towards its defined objectives.